Explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system nd expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth the master-builder of humahappiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences.

Small Heading Example

Explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system nd expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth the master-builder of humahappiness. No one rejects, dislikes.

Explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system nd expound Ronald Dowson

Qxplain to you how all this mistaken idea of hovered link and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the default link color of humahappiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those.

Who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself

  • Explain to you how all this
  • Mistaken idea of hovered link and
  • Praising pain was born and I will
  • Give you a complete account of the
  • System expound the actual teac

Explain to you how all this mistaken idea of hovered link and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the default link color of humahappiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those.


  • admin
    Posted 15 de noviembre de 2016 22:37 0Likes

    Explain to you how all this mistaken idea of hovered link and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system expound the actual teachings

    • admin
      Posted 15 de noviembre de 2016 22:37 0Likes

      Explain to you how all this mistaken idea of hovered link and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system expound the actual teachings

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